Fantasy, invention, and creativity are not the exclusive domain of a few initiates—the artists—but are essential faculties of the human being that we all should understand. With the generosity and the educational calling that always characterized him, Bruno Munari reveals in this pioneering essay, translated into Spanish for the first time, some of the secrets of these three basic abilities that today we would encompass under the word creativity. Fantasy, Munari tells us, is born from freedom. Invention and creativity, on the other hand, are born from function and necessity. But when it comes to generating new worlds, in all of them, intelligence, memory, and imagination play a crucial role. What mechanisms are activated to bring forth an idea or construct a work of art? How can we enhance—instead of restrict—childhood creativity? How can we foster the elasticity of thought so that it does not remain stagnant in preset formulas? Munari answers these and other questions with a delightful study, straddling erudition and amusement, which not only aims to enhance our creative capacity but also contribute to our comprehensive development as individuals.
200 pages
200 pages
language: spanish
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