Pacific shots by Andrew in Ukraine
We spotted the featured image on Instagram and it stood out to us at dubblefilm HQ. When we say HQ we mean out tiny office with 2.5 people working there! It's not often we see night photography shots with our films so Andrew's work stood out. Especially the reds that POP pretty hard with the PACIFIC film!
In his wordes:
I’m Andrew and I’m street (@drew_od) and automotive photographer (@yokohama ride) based in Odesa, Ukraine. I’ve started to capture on film recently after years of Canon 7Dmk2 photography.
My girlfriend gave the Pacific 200 to my birthday. I’ve never seen or even met the Dubblefilm brand before. We shoot mostly low-cost or expired rolls here in Ukraine because of a small import that has become smaller with the global pandemic. I was surprised when I tried to find some prime shots made on the Pacific 200. It seemed underexposed, and I found only 4 shots on the web that I liked. But I got few important things. The film is too cold. I like the night shooting. I hate the yellow lights in my hometown Odesa. It’s circa 80% of all outdoor lightning. This roll makes it to be nice toned green or even white with blue. But in the same time it gives chance for red. The Shadows have to waves of colour. It starts from saturated green and ended on dark brown. I shooted half of the roll at night with capturing of my friend’s Nissan Skyline GT-R R33 in suburban landscapes of Odesa. Other Half I spent for daylight shooting on the seaside. There are all shots are captured as 100ISO or even 50ISO and developed as 200 in the lab. I absolutely recommend everyone to overexpose this type of film. All photos are captured on one roll with my ‘83 Nikon N2020 with Sigma 28-70F/2,8.