LOVE, what a wonderful and complex idea. Maternal love, paternal love, brotherly love, romantic love, friendship love, filial love, self-love, love towards others, reciprocated love, platonic love, impossible loves... Love costs nothing and at the same time can be the most luxurious thing. Each of us experiences it in very different ways, it has to do with where we find ourselves and that strange and uncontrollable chemistry that arises between one and several people. Also with the narratives that, over the years, have aimed to provide very limiting visions of what love is. I am among those who think that love is also learned, because often we love poorly and that in reality is not love. Love is nurtured daily with gestures, conversations, and moments. Thinking about the other and giving them a safe space in your heart may seem like an easy gesture, but it's not always so.
Every new issue of VEIN is also an act of love, towards the good stories, the people who fill the world with their creativity and new ideas, towards paper and towards the importance of dedicating the time that an adventure like this deserves. We never do it alone, always with the complicity of those who love and believe in a project that, sometimes, moves slower than we would like but that, despite the adversities, continues to fill our souls. In this issue #17, the love of friends is the protagonist of the cover with three women singers and songwriters: María, Mushkaa, and Julieta, who are passionate about what they do. The latter says that “with love you can explain many other things in life” when talking about her song “Avions Volant”. To the love of art, the profession, music, and all those people and things that fill our hearts day by day, we dedicate this new issue. <3
385 pages with photographs by Andrés de Lara, Ángela B. Suárez, Antarctica, Angie Couple, Anne Galán, Carlos Ojeda, Cecilia Díaz Betz, César Segarra, Clara Arias, Cristian Fidel, Isaac Flores, Julia Carbonell, Helena Grimaldi, Louise Renke, Luis Ayora, and Rosa Montserrat.