Silberra PAN100 is panchromatic negative black and white photo film with ISO value of 100. Extrafine grain, wide tonal range, perfect sharpness and moderate contrast are typical for Silberra PAN100 film.Silberra PAN films are perfect for use in street photography, portrait photography, landscape and architectural photography. Special features of 2-layer emulsion make this film ideal to use at dusk/dawn, in winter and at complicated lighting ambience.
Officially the exposure range for Silberra PAN100 – 80, 100 and 160ISO. Lowering the sensitivity below 80 may cause loss of reasonable contrast, while increasing the sensitivity over 160 could increase the graininess and noise level.
Key product features

Extrafine grain, wide tonal range, perfect sharpness and moderate contrast are typical for Silberra PAN100 film

· 35mm b&w film
· ISO 80, 100 and 160
· 36 exposures

B&W films have to be developed in regular B&W chemistry available in all labs or can be done manually at home if you are adventurous enough. Click here for a list of labs around the world.