Silberra U400 is a high contrast mixed grain emulsion film, which combines both flat grain and classic grain, allows this film to save high resolving power of T-shaped silver grain preserving natural tonal softness of classic emulsion. Silberra U400 film can be exposed at EI (ISO) 200, 400 and 800, preserving acceptable contrast ratio and dynamic range width. Thanks to unique anti-halation and protective layers the film acquires distinctive green tone when unexposed.
Key product features

High contrast mixed grain emulsion, which combines both flat grain and classic grain, allows this film to save high resolving power of T-shaped silver grain preserving natural tonal softness of classic emulsion.

· 35mm b&w film
· ISO 200, 400 or 800
· 36 exposures

Don't panic! All our films are developed in C-41, the normal color process in labs. Click here for a list of labs around the world.