Fresh new website!
You know that feeling when you set up a new shelf and you proudly place all your books, plants, photos or whatever and one month later it's become a dumping ground for all things that need... to be dumped? That *was* our website but no longer is! Check out our fresh new shelf!

Introducing our pick n mix pack builder!
Our multipacks were always popular but we got tired of telling *you* what you want. Now it's time for you to tell *us* what you need and you're in control. Simply add or remove films in the pick n mix section and save money!

So what's new?
Aside from an overdose of slickness and better navigation thanks to our Head of Everything Creative (HEC) Miss Angeles Ramos, we've also included a ton of new products:
JCH in the house! We now stock the amazing Streetpan 400 film and Film Cases by Japan. Camera Hunter!

More speciality film including the brand new BKIFI range from the US!

& plenty more to discover on dubblefilm.com