The Konica Pop was a popular 35mm compact camera by Konica, made from 1982, It has fixed focus, one shutter speed and manual film advance by lever. It has a CdS cell which activates a Led in case of under exposure. This model works perfectly and the body is in really nice condition except for a small crack on the front between the viewer and the flash .
You can check sample photos of this beautiful camera here.
Check the photos carefully as we are showing the cameras in all their glory, no makeup and no airbrushing. Some of the cameras have scars, but who doesn't in real life? It builds character and doesn't stop them from doing what they do best; take photos!

36mm, maximum aperture f/4

fixed at 1/125s. ISO selector for 100/200/400 only (available on the lens)

Button for close-up flash work (after aperture accordingly) and free focus

Built-in flash which pops up, hence the name.

2 AA batteries for flash only (NOT INCLUDED)

Weight: 340g (without battery)