We are delighted to announce the release of THE NEW ORDER issue 30 (spring 2024), further extending the scope of the magazines global influence. The identity and vision of the bi-annual publication is represented by the diversity of the content curated and insight into talent far and wide.
THE NEW ORDER ISSUE 30 features three covers:
This version of the latest instalment of THE NEW ORDER features young and hugely talented musician CLIP on the cover. Shot by Kenneth Cappello in New York, the outcome I truly unique and impressive and is solidified with a really insightful interview.
Featured content in this issue:
Other stand out content includes features on Fecal Matter shot in Tokyo by James Oliver, no to mention a think piece with Japanese famed actor Joe Odagiri. Japanese based LIBERAIDERS head to Bangladesh for a comprehensive look into the culture with its own investigative eye providing a unique touch. Algerian based band Tinariwen, up and coming talent Lord Apex, local London figure WU-LU is featured in his full glory. We also catch up with Touching Bass fonder and figurehead Errol rounding off some emphatic musical content. We stop by London based artist Arran Gregory’s fascinating workspace while we also stop by fashion icon Dan Pacitti’s place to explore his collection. Not to mention fashion editorials shot in Tokyo and London.
254 pgs, 30.5 × 23.3 cm, Softcover, 2024