Dubblefilm shots by Avery Alexander
Check out a mixture of fantastic JELLY, PACIFIC and BUBBLEGUM shots by Avery!
Jelly shots by Carly Bedwell
We asked Carly How does she feel about speciality films and that was the answer:...
Make shooting your DAILY habit
Say hello to our new DAILY range of films in color and black & white, perfect for everyday shooting!
The summer SHOW has started!
We areΒ beyond proud to announce the birth ofΒ our 3rd SHOW camera. The SHOW turquoise is a bright summer addition toΒ our 35mm camera range.
Apollo snaps by Andy Twyman
From falling asleep in classes that he wasΒ failing to touring with bands and becoming a photographer... oh and some Apollo shots!
JCH Streetpan 400 & SHOW
Check out how well JCH Streetpan 400 filmΒ and theΒ SHOW camera get on! Photos by JuliaΒ Bullich
Pacific shots by Andrew in Ukraine
We spotted the featured image on Instagram and it stood out to us at dubblefilm...
Carla Deltoro shooting Apollo
Carla is a Barcelona-based photographer you need to check out