We really love to see that people enjoy and feel inspired with our films. It motivates and brings us closer to our customers who share the same passion as us, photography. 

So here we go...  Let's introduce you to Avery Alexander from Atlanta (US). Check out a few of her favorite dubblefilm photos that she's taken so far. A bunch of beautiful shots for us. 

Avery on Dubblefilm


Avery on Dubblefilm


In his words:

'My name is Avery (@greeeenmarble) and I’m from Atlanta! I started shooting film over 10 years ago in high school but fell out of the hobby when my local, in-town film camera store, the Camera Doctor, closed. I picked it back up recently when I started dating an avid film photographer, my partner, Jon Sanchíz.'


Avery Alexander on dubblefilm


'I started back up with a Pentax k1000 and now have over 10 film cameras including a Canon Super 8 video camera. I love film specifically because it is imperfect. While I do enjoy shooting “normal” and “regular” color film, I mostly love weird films (like pre-exposed films), souping film, and other alt processes (like exposing sprockets, double exposures, weird lens filters, etc).'


avery alexander on dubblefilm

avery on dubblefilm


'Dubble film first struck me when I saw Jelly film! I love not knowing exactly how the picture will come out with Jelly film, it gives it an element of surprise that I enjoy more than precision.'


Avery Alexander on dubblefilm

Avery Alexander on dubblefilm


'Precisely focused and exposed photos are fun in some scenarios, but I love the pre-exposed element that Jelly, Pacific, and other films bring to the film photography art world. For me film is more about out of the box creations rather than getting the mathematically perfect shot. Dubble helps me create!'


Avery Alexander on dubblefilm

Avery Alexander on dubblefilm

Avery Alexander on dubblefilm

If you like this post check out APOLLO shots by Carla and Pacific shots by Andrew

You can check our films right here !!